For Patients


Refills of prescription drugs will be filled during regular business hours.

This restriction is for your protection: we must access your most up-to-date and complete medical records to ensure you receive appropriate medications as approved by your physician. It’s important to make certain you have enough medication before weekends or holidays.

Affiliated Oncologists In-Office Dispensing (IOD)

Our practice offers in-office dispensing of oral medications used in cancer treatment and supportive care. This included oral antibiotics, agents for nausea, as well as oral chemotherapy medications.

Convenience and Quality:

Our in-office dispensary provides convenient access and excellent service for our patients allowing us to dispense certain medications to you in our offices. This also allows our physicians to more closely monitor adherence and any side effects during your treatment. We can confirm your prescription benefit coverage and investigate co-payment assistance resources (e.g., patient assistance programs, manufacturer-sponsored assistance, etc).

Please provide our front desk with a copy of your prescription benefit card (different than medical benefit) when you sign in for your appointment. Please let us know if you have any question about filling your prescription in our office.

For refill request, please call by 3 p.m. leave the following information:

  • Your full name (with spelling of the last name)
  • Phone number
  • Date of birth
  • Preferred pharmacy phone number
  • Name of the drug(s) you need refilled

Messages left before 4:00 PM will be addressed before close of business the next day. For narcotic refills, a doctor's visit within one month of a refill request is required by law. All other refills require visits within the past six month. You must bring all medications to every appointment.

Your comfort and concerns are important to us. If certain medication is not working, call during normal business hours and let us know.