For Patients

Post-Operative Recovery Instructions

Instructions for Post-Operative Recovery

Recovery from surgery can be a gradual process. We are available for assistance as you return to your normal activities. We have provided you with this set of discharge instructions that addresses some of the most common concerns after your surgery.

If you have any concerns at home that are not addressed here, please call the office at 708-422-3242.

Downloadable PDFs

Discharge Instructions for a Robotic Hysterectomy and Removal of Ovaries

Discharge Instructions for a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy and Removal of Ovaries

Discharge Instructions for a Dilation and Curettage (D&C)

Discharge Instructions for Vulvar Surgery

Discharge Instructions for LEEP or Cold Knife Conization Procedures

Follow Up Instructions for Gestational Trophoblastic Disease